FOX 2 Detroit: Auto insurance reform changes expected to leave many without critical care

In this TV segment by Taryn Asher of FOX 2 Detroit, Maureen Howell, mother of Sam Howell, and Bob Mylnarek, of 1st Call Home Healthcare, shared the devastating consequences of the provider fee schedule, as survivors lose access to vital care after July 1. Sam’s care will get upended if the fee schedule is not fixed—severely impacting his quality of life and ability to recover.  

The video shares:

“We were advised multiple times to take him off life support for his own good, but we just felt he had a good chance for survival,” Maureen Howell said of her son.

Bob Mylnarek shared, “They’re going to have nowhere to go, our system is not set up for it. You are going to have people in wheelchairs dropped off at the hospital on July 1.”  

Taryn Asher even got Sen. Mike Shirkey on the record saying these are “difficult and heart-wrenching times” but doubled down on his “wait-and-see” approach.

Check out the segment and share it on your social media channels.


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